Monday, March 26, 2007

Clinton Administration Attorney Firings

Here is step one for the Bush administration: Grow some cahones and point out how many attorneys the Clinton administration fired without the Dems(or the GOP for that matter) crying over spilt milk.

Attorney General Janet Reno had the Justice Department moving and shaking. She requested the prompt resignation of all 93 U.S. Attorneys around the country "to build a team" that represents "my views" and those of the President.

Time Magazine, 4/5/1993

Gonzales had eight, count 'em, eight attorneys fired. You know why? Because it's his right to do so. Every administration hires attorneys who have that particular administration's interests in mind. It only makes sense doesn't it? Why would you have attorneys who don't care for your conservative position working for you?

I keep saying I'm not going to talk about this anymore but it keeps popping up. The truth needs to get out there, regardless of whether it'll set you free or not.

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