Friday, November 7, 2008

26 Million Votes Unaccounted For

The latest report from CNN states that 148 million people voted in this election and yet only 122 million votes were counted.

26 million votes have been unaccounted for. No one has yet to explain this. I would like to hear an explanation.


road warrior said...

i'm pretty sure that no one wants to know. Everybody is happy in their little bubble thinking everything is up to par. The liberal illuminati for sure don't want to talk about because if we really started looking into and all the illegal voting and missing voting could really stir up the pot.

road warrior said...

So did we decide what happened? Was it the liberal illuminati behind it all or some other conspiracy? Let's hear the answers.

Jacob Phillips said...

Does that include the absentees that are not typically counted unless the races get close?