Thursday, March 29, 2007

Nancy Pelosi Is A Moron

I don't usually resort to name calling but I've had it up to my eyeballs with this lady. First of all it's just her 'let's be a bipartisan government' talk and then her unwillingness to prove that she even believes that at all with her completely partisan, incoherent babbling.

Today President Bush actually(finally) took a stronger stand against the Democrats in what is being called a 'jab at the Democrats'. Wednesday Bush said, 'the American people will know who to hold responsible' if funding for the war stalls. He also pointed out the ludicrous deadline for troop withdrawals and piling on of 'pork' projects.

Pelosi countered with the statement warning Bush against following 'a political strategy that would needlessly delay funding for our troops'. Ridiculously this lady is trying to make it sound like she wants to fund the troops when her whole mission in life right now is to pass the Iraq Deadline bill and DEFUND THE TROOPS!!!

I think her real strategy is to drive everybody as crazy as she is so that we can all be on her level.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a loyal Democrat reading your blog...

Don't think you're alone, Matt - Republicans and Democrats (ones that think more than the moron above) are embarrassed by what passes for leadership in congress today.

I was sitting in traffic today coming back from LAX when I daydreamed about a day far in the future when we would all look back on our blogs and shake our heads at what our leaders thought was important then. I'm sure we will have learned a hard lesson, as well. In a world so in need of wisdom and determination, we chose glassy eyes and defeat. Let's pray to God Americans demand better of their leaders soon...