Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Obama Is A Monster

The following is from an article I just read. The link is here.

This is a tremendously important article for those that value human life at all. I've taken the best parts and highlighted them:

Reasonable people may differ in their opinions regarding abortion and thorny questions of precisely when life begins. But once a baby is born, even prematurely, there is across-the-board agreement that a new human life exists. Certainly, there is no longer any threat to the health of the mother. Abortion is no longer an option, as there is no longer a pregnancy to terminate.

Earlier this decade, such living, breathing, babies who survived labor were "shelved" - left to die and disposed of with other medical waste, or were "aborted" - killed outside the womb. The practice was ultimately banned by unanimous Congressional votes, as even the most pro-abortion Senate Democrats - including every defender of partial-birth abortion - recognized that killing these breathing babies is no longer abortion in any real sense. It crosses the line; it is infanticide. Yet, incredibly, Obama repeatedly worked to deny these living babies any right to life.

Jill Stanek, an Illinois nurse, testified in the US Congress in 2000 and 2001 - and before Obama's Illinois Senate Judiciary Committee - about how induced labor abortions were handled at her hospital, relating this story: "One night, a nursing co-worker was taking an aborted Down syndrome baby who was born alive to our Soiled Utility Room because his parents did not want to hold him, and she did not have the time to hold him. I couldn't bear the thought of this suffering child lying alone in a Soiled Utility Room, so I cradled and rocked him for the 45 minutes that he lived." Powerful stuff. Obama, however, was reportedly "unfazed" by her testimony.

In March of 2001, Obama's Illinois Judiciary Committee considered a law substantially identical to the BAIPA. It passed the Committee, with Obama voting against. In front of the full Illinois Senate, Obama was the only senator to speak against the bill, arguing that life protection extended to any (!) preterm babies (ponder that) could jeopardize abortion rights. He voted "present," tantamount to a "no" vote. In March of 2002, Obama's Committee passed the Induced Birth Liability Act, requiring medical care for babies who survive induced labor abortions - Obama again voting "present," arguing that the Act would "create one more burden on women, and I can't support that."

What kind of principle is this? What core value is Obama expressing? What extremist doctrine or interest is he defending? And how doctrinaire must one be to defend actual infanticide? This goes well beyond any reasonable advocacy of a woman's "right to choose;" it attacks a living baby's right to life. His position is not simply "pro-choice;" it is radically anti-life. It is, in fact, pro-death. Whatever one may make of the doctrines of his America-bashing, anti-Israel, Farrakhan-honoring pastor (or why a "uniter" would belong to his church for over 20 years), Obama professes to be a practicing Christian; so, what in the life-affirming Judeo-Christian value system could possibly give license to kill live babies?
Please take the time to read the rest of the article HERE.


CKAinRedStateUSA said...

Yes, Obama is a monster.

No, Obama is not a Christian, regardless of what he says. He cannot find, he has not found and he will not find support in the Holy Bible for being against life.

Yes, something horrific must have happened to him to have fostered this hatred for the most vulnerable of humans, save the elderly and infirm.

Yes, it is grotesque to allow to die--killing by any other name--those just-borns who've survived one attempt on their life.

Yes, Obama has passed beyond psychological pathology into unadulterated evil.

Ye, he gets to answer for that someday, if not on this earth, then in place he will find eternally discomforting.

Yes, Obama is a monster, an evil one.

Anonymous said...

NO, you all are the monsters. If you do your homework you'll see that this is a lie. CatholicAmerica.com even has a article stating thAT THIS RUMOR IS false. You listen to and repeat the lies, and let our country slip deeper into SHIT. I am embarrased to call myself a Christian. You all probably only vote Republican, so you don't make an educated choice - ACTUALLY NO CHOICE AT ALL. This is not a team sport fools. We all suffer together. You have no short-term memory Look at the last 7 years and where we are. No wonder the rest of the world hates us. The feeling is mutual. Do your homework STUPIDS!!! The earth is NOT FLAT! Why do they want you to be against abortion and not helping the unaborted babies anyway? MORE SOLDIERS.

CKAinRedStateUSA said...

So nice to see that anonymous presents such a lucid response.

I'd write more, but I've got to go take more stupid pills. Plus I just got my renewal from the Flat Earth Society. Too, have got to go to the courthouse and change my registration from independent to Republican.

Oh, yeah, burn those university degrees and professional credentials.

Almost forgot: Now must register for the Monsters Society of America. That is, if they'll let me in the same club to which SoetorObama belongs.

BTW: You can't believe any of this because, well, I'm a liar.


Yessir, that anonymous really nailed me and us, didn't he/she/it?

Matt said...

Against abortion because we need more soldiers? I laughed at this response and it did make my day a little to see what the other side has to say and how useless some people can really be.