Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Obama Should Mandate Properly Inflated Tires

Obama has come up with an energy plan. Inflate your tires to the proper size and save fuel. That's it. Let's ignore the fact that we send 700 billion dollars overseas for oil. Let's ignore the fact that we're sitting on our own gold mine of oil and instead of doing anything about it we should just properly inflate our tires.

Here's a suggestion Mr. Hussein Obama: Why don't you MANDATE that every American inflate their tires to the proper size. Since you're going to MANDATE that we socialize health care as well as everything else you can get your commie hands on you might as well MANDATE proper tire size too. In fact, why don't you take some of our hard earned money and set up road blocks so that we have government officials checking our tire pressure and hand out fines for those of us not properly conserving the environment by not having the correct tire pressure. You might as well. If you think that's silly, just think how moronic the rest of your campaign looks to America. Yes, you may have the media in your back pocket stroking your ego like the rock star you've become, but the American people are smarter than you think sir. And this is why you will lose. Keep it up. Your liberal and socialist and communistic nature will lose this election for you. All we have to do is sit back and watch you tank on your own.

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