Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The Supreme Court Weighs in on Global Warming

The story out of Washington yesterday is that the Supreme Court is now getting their feet wet on the hot topic of global warming. This is really sad. The article states that the Supreme Court rebuked the Bush administration for its inaction on global warming. Notice it doesn't say which justices rebuked Bush but rather implies the WHOLE Court rebuked him wagging their fingers in his face and such. If you read further into the story you find a very important fact about partisan authorship in media. The author eventually gets to the point that the court's four conservative justices were the only ones who voted against this ridiculous act of partisanship. Anybody smart enough to realize global warming doesn't exist as Al Gore would like us to believe would know that the people who should be rebuked are the justices who decided to make this a political matter because it's cool to believe in global warming now.

Justice Roberts had the most important quote in his dissent. He said that the court should simply recognize that dealing with the complaints spelled out by the state of
Massachusetts is the function of Congress and the chief executive, not the federal courts. This is TREMENDOUSLY important because he is stating that this shouldn't even be an issue in the federal courts. Roe v. Wade anyone?

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